About LlamaZOO

LlamaZOO is a Spatial Business Intelligence platform provider with products that enables stakeholders from First Nation, natural resource industries in mining, oil and gas, forestry, and other capital intensive industries like manufacturing, to make meaningful and impactful decisions by visualizing their complex data in 3D. LlamaZOO’s spatial business intelligence platform empowers organizations to integrate data from across their operations and visualize it in the context of its real-world location, quickly revealing crucial insights and facilitating rapid decision-making. The company is headquartered in Victoria, BC, Canada. Learn more at LlamaZOO.com or join the community on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram using the links above.

About Guardian

LlamaZOO’s Guardian software is a land planning and cultural data preservation tool designed for Indigenous Peoples. It is a powerful stewardship tool that will manage the cultural, ecological, and industrial data that impact each territory. “After a year of collaboration and working closely with First Nations, Guardian is an innovative tool which enables Indigenous Land Managers, Elders, and community members across the province to manage multiple aspects of their operations and communities,” said Charles Lavigne, LlamaZOO CEO and Co-Founder.

Learn more about Guardian HERE